Thursday, August 18, 2011

School Days- Part 1

I know for many of us we are sending our kids to school for the first time, or a second and even third are about to start school. We start on Monday and I am a ball of nerves about it and am working very hard not to show it to my soon to be kindergartner. I know for this to go smoothly, I have to remain calm when we go on Monday.

My husband and I have set the rule no crying while there but if we must we can after she is dropped off. I guess what is hard for me and so many parents is that this is a point where we realize that our kids are growing up. Kindergarten seemed like eons ago when she was born and now in four days we will be getting her lunch ready and walking her through the doors of what is now her life for the next 13 years.

All her supplies have been purchased, new clothes are awaiting to be worn, and the lunch box still looks brand new. In a few weeks, I know that the supplies will be used, clothes will be what ever we can throw on quickly, and the lunch box will have that old food smell. This is a big change for the house overall and it is a good change.

I am excited to see the friends she will make, and all of the things she will learning. I am also scared for her because I know how hard it can be in those first few weeks. I know she will be cared for by her teacher because they are all very good at the school. I know the few older kids she will know will be there to show her the ropes as needed.

I don't really remember my first day of school. I had a new baby brother at the time and it was only a half day. This is an exciting time for all of us though it seems so hard to go through. I will keep you all posted on how well we are doing with it. I look forward to sharing stories of all those new things we are learning about school.

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