Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy 100th Birthday to the Girl Scouts!

100 years ago today, Juliette Gordon Low a woman living in Georgia decided to embark on creating an organization for girls inspired by the Bo Scouts. 100 years later, Girls from across the world, actually about 3.2 million of them are proud to be called Girl Scouts. Low wanted her group to encompass all sorts of girls and to teach them lots of things that weren't popular back in 1912. 

Now 100 years later Girls from all walks of life participate in scouting and learn new things I personally was a Brownie way back in the early 80's. I loved my brown uniform and sash. I couldn't wait till my own daughter was old enough to become a scout herself. Each and every time she attends an event I see someone who blossoms more and more. 

This is a journey she is taking and I am so enjoying the ride. Please support Girl Scouts because the core of the organization and what we as leaders strive to do is teach girls to empower themselves. They learn valuable lessons from Daisy on up in being a respectful member of society and contributing. Our Daisy troop in their first year has done so many wonderful things from sending cards to the troops to collecting donations for the hungry in their community. 

I have found this journey for my daughter as well as the other Daisies in the troop one where they have grown so much. They want to participate and they want to contribute to society. They are sponges soaking up all the information that we give them. We our their mentors in showing them that they can do anything. 

I love this quote from Dr. Seuss  "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing's going to get better. It's not." This to me sums up what Girl Scouts is all about!

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