Thursday, June 21, 2012

Best Meatloaf Hands Down!

I have been on a quest for the last ten years to replicate my Grandma Pat's meatloaf. I tried everything and asked everyone for suggestions. I got lots of great ideas and tried many of them.

I even created my own version with an an Italian twist which we love but still crumbled when I sliced it. I just wanted a meatloaf that sliced nicely and would be good hot or cold like my Grandma's. Today after some internet searches and using an unconventional method, I found it.

I love to make meatloaf on Sundays but hate having to heat the oven when it is over ninety degrees outside. So I first started looking for something to to use my ground beef in the crockpot. I went through all sorts of ideas but the last one was making a meatloaf in the crockpot. Yeah I know it sounds crazy but I thought why not. If it didn't work out we were having pizza.

So I went to putting it all together which took about five minutes total.

1 pound of ground beef
1 pound of ground pork (or Italian sausage)
2 eggs
2 and half pieces of whole wheat bread
Some milk (like one or two tablespoons).
Italian seasoning
Garlic salt
Small can of tomato sauce

I beat the eggs and than added the bread which I just crumbled up. I put the dash of milk as well as some of the garlic salt and Italian seasoning (about a teaspoon of each). I mixed that all together and than added the Ground beef and pork. I got my hands dirty and mixed it all together and formed it into a log in the crock pot. I topped it with the tomato sauce and set it I low for 6-7 hours. I did drain off some of the fat about half way through but I don't think you would have to do it.

The loaf sliced so nice and well was voted as the best by the family. I made homemade mashed potatoes and Brussels sprouts sautéed with bacon ( I browned some bacon and than tossed in some cooked sprouts to brown them up).

I can't wait to try it with the Italian sausage or even a turkey beef mix. I think you could use ketchup as well instead of tomato sauce- I just prefer the sauce.

I think the trick here was that the meatloaf was somewhat steamed by the crock pot. All I know for sure was that it was delish and will so be making it again.

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