Monday, August 19, 2013

Getting Ready for Back to School

The Kids Clothes all bought- check. I like that we have nice weather almost year round, so we can be in shorts longer and warmer clothes do last longer on my kids who grow at a much slower rate though I admit I know one of these days they are both going to shoot up.

School Supplies- check. I admit to loving the annual school supply trip. I always buy extras for both the classroom, Girl Scouts, and the house. Especially when I have a kid who mostly colors and cuts paper all day. Even though I KNOW the scissors help with gross motor skills, I don't know how much more I can take with the constant clean up. At least he knows we need to sweep it up and he is helping.

Lunch and snack station- check. I decided to bring the snack bins inside and stick them up on my black shelf in the kitchen. The first thing out of the mouths of both kids is always I need a snack. I took the four tubs I got from the dollar store and filled them with granola bars, fruit snacks, etc. So I should be good for awhile because all three are basically filled to the brim and I still have a stash of fruit snacks in the garage. I like Miss O to  buy lunch because it is way cheaper than me making it but Mr. L may have to take it on occasion and I also don't mind Miss O taking it to break up the regularity of school lunch.

Teacher gift for the first day- check.  So I saw this on Pinterest and thought it was so cute and super easy to do. I just filled the drink cup up with about 30 drink packets.  I hope who ever she ends up with will like it- actually I know which ever 2nd grade teacher she gets will appreciate it.

So only a week to go for the first day for Miss O and a week and half for Mr. L (I am so excited for him to start Preschool- we both need it).


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