Friday, February 27, 2015

Every day is a little better!

On Sunday it will be six weeks since my accident happen where I cut three tendons in a freak accident and have been one handed for that long. Nearly every day, I have some ask about it which the standard answer is I had hand surgery or someone tells me it must be hard doing stuff, in truth I seem to manage pretty good. The biggest change is more about me slowing down and less multi tasking.

Yes it is very hard to go through this but not as hard as my Mom who went trough double knee surgery last November or seeing my Grandfather go through countless hip replacements. I have totally had my moments where I scream and cry about it but that is pretty infrequent. I am a person that isn’t going to just sit around. I did that for a week and binged on Orange is the New Black- two seasons in about four days.

I feel like today that I am at 75 percent of what I was before the accident. There isn't much I can't do. I figure away to chop veggies with my Pampered chef thingy. My hair which I was so worried about, got a great haircut and I have been flat ironing it myself everyday and washing by myself every few days. I can bath though I still have to keep the hand away from water though I do wash it off when I change dressings. The big thing is I can't always buckle my pants so I have two jeans that work and a boatload of leggings, dresses, skirts and yoga pants. Not to drastic change in my style.

Okay I can't do my bra so either I ask for help or use a sports bra which has made me very aware of how differently sized my boobs are which is noticeable with certain shirts so I don't wear them. I also want to go back to better eating and exercise but it has been to cold and I fear my balance some when out walking because let's be honest graceful isn’t what I am known for.

The first week was hard but we had some great people brought meals and I used the crockpot. I had a meal in the crockpot when it happen which someone replied that I must be the only Mom in the ER with a meal ready!!! We actually ate pizza that night and had that meal the next day.

I pretty much do everything I did before just slower. I actually sewed something simple the other day. I have been crafting like crazy as well. Did some redecorating and made the OT cringe when I told her I was annoyed that I couldn’t find the hammer- yes I did only use one hand and yes not everything is straight but I wanted to do it myself.

I get annoyed when my hubby takes the little creamer cups out of my hand to open because I can do that. I did take a small break from crafting on some of the challenge blogs because it was to much at one point but back to that next week. I have pretty much been running full force again since week two. If I can't do it, it likely won't get done until some one with two hands is around.

The biggest challenge is getting it to sink in with the three other people they need to step up some more in helping which is totally my fault because I do to much to begin with. It was a struggle before to get them to pick up after themselves and me yelling about doing it and having only one hand to use, isn’t really getting it fixed. I need to teach my kids some better responsibility which we are getting there- slowly.

Overall I have my health (mostly), life is fairly good though it is so cold here lately. Kids are doing well in school and they have all of their activities going on which they still get to do. I am chugging along with life, not counting the days as to when I get out of the splints but instead focusing on the small victories like moving my fingers about forty degrees. I will take the million banjo jokes the hubs keeps telling because it means I am getting better. And yes I laugh about it because life is funny. Everyday is a little better!

Thanks for stopping by!

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